How packaging drives SEASONAL SUCCESS
Seasonal food and drink campaigns have become big business for brands and retailers alike.
Rather than the £20bn Christmas market (IGD) being the only crucial calendar entry, the entire 12-month cycle is now adorned with occasions which savvy store owners and manufacturers can take advantage of.
For brands, it’s no longer a case of just adding in a couple of extra ingredients pertinent to a particular date. They need to ensure they have the right rationale behind their product makeovers. Likewise, retailers must back the right items or risk wasting valuable shelf space.
Packaging has a crucial role to play in boosting seasonal sales. In this white paper CHILLI explore current seasonal trends and strategies; packaging’s role in creating sales spikes; and examine what will work and what won’t, with both consumers and retailers in mind.
To digest the full report, please Download our Seasonal Success white paper by entering your details below: